Experience timeless elegance with the Blue White Elegance bouquet from Flower Shop Dubai. This exquisite arrangement features 18 flower stems, including luxurious blue hydrangeas, pristine white roses, and delicate white Santini. Accented with fresh eucalyptus leaves, the bouquet is beautifully wrapped in true blue wrapping and finished with a white ribbon. Ideal for birthdays, anniversaries, Father’s Day, Brothers Day, or any special occasion, this arrangement adds a touch of sophistication to your celebrations. Whether you’re expressing love or appreciation, send this stunning bouquet anywhere in Dubai to make a lasting impression.
Brief details about Blue White Elegance Bouquet
- Blue hydrangea
- White roses
- White Santini
- Eucalyptus leaves
- True blue wrapping
- White ribbon
How to Include a Message with Your Gift
Once you’ve added items to your cart and proceed to the checkout page, you’ll find a section for notes or messages. You can write your personal message in this section to include with your gift. We will print your message on the company’s standard greeting card. Messages in any language are accepted.